Bloom Into Mothering > Links

Bloom into Mothering is on a mission to break down any barriers standing in your way of having a joyful birth experience no matter what!


Bloom into Mothering is on a mission to break down any barriers standing in your way of having a joyful birth experience no matter what!

Bloom into Mothering provides you with this list of links to community resources in Campbell River, BC, to help prepare the expectant mother & her birth partner for the prenatal time, for labour & delivery, & for parenting the newborn.

Ministry of Health


Local Doula Services

Doula services in BC are not covered as a part of the Medical Services Plan (BC Services Card/Care Card) or First Nations Health Benefits. Doulas are self-employed and work independently or as a part of a team.


Pelvic Floor Physiotherapists:


Prenatal & Postnatal Registered Massage Therapy:


Image by Bluetree Photography

Car Seat Information

Bloom into Mothering recommends these links to help you keep your new baby safe in the vehicle.